How to promote your restaurant grand opening in your locale

With the menu set and the décor beaming with appeal, all that may be left to do is to plan how to get people through the door and into your restaurant. When planning a restaurant opening, the best bet is to target locals, and that’s what we’ll help you with.

Host contests to build buzz

Offering people freebies can surely get them talking, but how about you get them to talk about your business and promote it with their originality? Hosting a contest focused on promoting your restaurant can be a surefire way to get everyone excited about your big launch.

Create a contest plan to help get locals riled up for your launch. Consider hosting an art competition for local artists, where the best painting gets displayed at the restaurant, and the winner gets a free meal. You could even host a contest on your opening night. Whatever course you take, encourage participants to share the details on their social media and tag and share with friends to maximize reach and engagement.

You can even get creatives, like graphic designers, onboard through logo designing or poster designing competitions and get people to vote, allowing maximum visibility. With the proper contest, you can surely get people in your restaurant’s vicinity buzzing enthusiastically for the big launch and reward.

Offer opening discounts

Offering discounts on your first day may be separate from your business plan, but it can attract the right audience. Offering opening-night discounts can help people get through the door. You can start the night by providing discounts on your best or most expensive menu items.

Such a strategy will allow your customers to experience your best at a lower price, helping them get a taste of your skills and culinary expertise. Additionally, you can increase the appeal of your launch by offering limited-time discounts, which extend beyond the opening, for first-night guests and develop an exclusive menu for the night.

Don’t see opening discounts as a marketing gimmick but rather an opportunity to empower your target audience to enjoy your menu stress-free, enabling them to pick their favorites. Aim to make these discounts and special menus an experience rather than merely a marketing gimmick to get more sales.

Collaborate with local food bloggers/influencers

Would you believe us if we told you that food bloggers and influencers are more credible for people today than Yelp? People still consider using review platforms to learn about restaurants, but food bloggers are in a different league in the restaurant business.

Get bloggers on board by offering them an opening invite and an exclusive tasting experience before the big launch. Offering privileges to bloggers, like exclusive tastings, can enable them to vouch for your menu before the launch and even create buzz around the entire dine-in experience.

You can even host a soft launch and invite influencers only before you launch for the general public. Through influencers, you could tap into a diversified follower base and showcase your best dishes reviewed by trusted food connoisseurs in the digital world.

Send out email invites

Anyone who thinks email marketing is obsolete hasn’t done it right. By sending dedicated and personalized email invites to friends, family members, business associates, and relevant market members, you can build anticipation and make people feel welcome.

Curating a mailing list for launch invites will entail making a list of all the locals you know and are acquainted with in the vicinity of your hotel- consider nearby restaurant owners and their family members, business associates, friends of family, and friends.

Once you nail the mailing list, consider sending personalized invites for the big day. Use first names, relevance to the business, and anything that can help add a personal touch to the mail. Be sure to mention all the essential information in the invite, like the date, day, time, menu, etc. Additionally, consider inviting your mailing list members to the soft launch and using that to add an edge to your emails.

Use traditional advertising

While digital marketing is powerful, don’t forget about traditional advertising. Local newspapers, flyers, and radio ads can still reach a broad audience. These channels will ensure everyone in the neighborhood knows precisely when and where your grand opening is happening.

If your budget is extensive, aim to utilize all three platforms to advertise your big launch. For print media, aim to place them in high-traffic areas to gain more attention. For television and radio ads, consider peak times, like rush hours and late nights, to reach audiences at the right moment.

Don’t forget to look at various grand opening flyer templates available online for inspiration for the graphics. You may stumble upon an appealing, aesthetic design that saves time, money, and effort.

With these strategies, you can get everyone in your locality excited about the big night. All you have to do is ensure that the ambiance and service are top-notch, and you’ll be strapped for success on your very first day!

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